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August, 2021

Oh sinha I will cut the cane

In the big house Mucama picked up sinhá (a person)

In the chapel i was going to pray

Sinhozinho rode

Silk shirt, Panama hat

But I am here in the senzala


Oh, I'm going to cut cane,

Canavie (a proper term for sugar cane)

I'm going to cut it and then harvest it,

to harvest

I'm going to put sugarcane in the grindhouse,

to grind

Pro ingenuity to enrich you,

enrich you


In the market more slaves traded

Back in the trunk the negro got caught

In the quilombo of the Palmares refugees,

tomorrow I'm going to (play) capoeira

O sinhá eu vou cortar cana

Na casa grande Mucama banhava sinhá

Na capela sinhá ia rezar
Sinhozinho cavalgava
Camiseta de seda, chapéu Panama
Mais eu aqui na senzala


Oh sinhá eu vou cortar cana,

Eu vou cortar pra depois colher,
para colher

Eu vou botar cana pra
para moer

Pro engenho enricar vosmecê,
enricar vosmecê


No mercado mais escravos negociados
Lá no tronco o nego apanhava
No quilombo dos Palmares refugiados,
amanhã eu vou pra capoeira

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